With the new year (and my birthday,40yrs old now, sheesh) a day away I thought I'd I share some of the things I've learned, changed and new positions I've come to.
First let me say that 2012 has probably been the most challenging, as well as learning years I've ever gone through, no complaints it was interesting. I mean from my own philosophical views to the state of our nation. From the location of our church as well as searching for employment. What a ride...here we go.
I want to thank first my God, He has never let me down (though I have Him), never left or forsaken me and I praise Him for this. I want to thank my wife who wouldn't let me stay in my own self pity and refused to allow me to feel any less than the man she holds me to be. She truly is my help whom God has given and her price is far above rubies. Also a shout out to my teenage daughter who has been a huge blessing to this family, a dad couldn't be more proud and pleased with such a awesome young lady and thank God for my younger kids as well, hey there kids what more can I say.
Next, my family at Grace Life, many people have helped through prayer as well as physical blessing, truly they aren't a "be ye warmed and filled" assembly. Thanks to my Pastor and friend who had the spine of steel to do what God had impressed upon him, simply follow Scripture and let it lead where it may.
Finally my family, Parents, sister in law, for all prayers, help (in ways that they know but wouldn't want stated publicly), encouragement that they have given. A final thanks to all those mentioned above for not judging me as I try and figure out just what is the next step God has for my family. (hopefully a great new job ASAP).
With that out, now to the things I've learned this year.
Number one and the most important......GRACE, no I'm not where I'd like to be but as the song goes "He's still workin' on me" . I've learned I don't have all the answers and I don't know everything and that's ok. Also that I can serve with, fellowship with, and just have a good time in Christ with those that hold a different philosophical view (not doctrinal) on things. I don't have to take scriptures like "contend for the faith' and treat them as the right to be contentious in the faith and go looking for a "doctrinal fight". Grace teaches us to "deny ungodliness" and that's a battle to keep me busy for the rest of my life.
Also, God's in charge. Yes I've been out of work for a year and can't seem to find anything. Yes this Nation seems to be spiraling out of control, yes there are wicked people running it all ( does the spirit of antichrist ring a bell), yes there are too many tragedy's to even mention, such as the CT shooting, but God knew it would all happen and yes He allowed it to happen, (as far as the tragedy's what did we expect we as a nation have demanded He leave and He said OK), but through it all I've come to be still and know that He is God, He's in control, all things work together for the good of those who love Him.
Positions I've had changed. Yes I mean 'had changed' scripture changed them in that when it's silent then I must be as well, and realize that when we operate outside of God's Word we venture into opinions, conjecture and preference. Now some may wonder why bring this up again, well, just to recap the year and be a blessing to others is my hope.
Position number one and maybe the most controversial the one that has cost friendships....the Bible translation issue. I am no longer a KJV only Christian, love it yes, it's God's Word, use it yes, so does our church, but it's not perfect and as with any translation has it's flaws. This doesn't mean we don't have every truth God wanted us to have, just that no translation of the perfect Originals is itself perfect in every way. And this conclusion came through much study and prayer and that's how we should reach every position we hold.
I'll lump the next few together, they are music, dress standard views, and secular entertainment. Although not worth burning at the stake for none the less in my world ( or the world I come from) they just may get you to the stake , metaphorically speaking. So let me lay out what Scripture says about each and then let it do the talking.
Dress standards "1Ti 2:9 likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire ", nothing about the type of clothing just that it's modest (as a passing point, this is in regards to behavior in the church, should it be the same outside the assembly yes, but we are dealing contextually here).
Music, "Eph 5:19 addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual
songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart," also, "Col 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God." No type of music genre mentioned here, psalms and hymns, from what I've learned, are doctrinal songs written by those from within the church too God in order to glorify Him, spiritual songs, although there are many interpretations seem to focus on songs that lift our spirit, intended to make us feel good about our God. Now again take note that Paul says "addressing one another"i.e. the assembly, this is not a directive of what to listen to when not assembled with other believers. Although I see Scripture being clear that we should have no ungodly messages whether in music or other entertainments influencing us, this doesn't mean that everything the unsaved world creates is in itself evil or forbidden. If that were the case then cut out all sports, food, clothing movies etc. owned and created by lost men. This includes music, if the music you like isn't violating clear mandates laid out in Scripture then enjoy and give God the glory for it.
Secular entertainment. Let's just cut to the chase here and get to the Baptist no, no, i.e. movie theaters, I'll say this, if it's ok to bring the movie home and watch it on tv, why not on a big screen in public on a date with your wife or family night with the kids (if you can afford it), I mean we can go to a ball game with people drinking ( and I'll get to that firey subject in a minute), but not a theater to watch a good movie where drinking is not allowed?
Last position, but certainly one to cause quite a stir. Why touch it, because it's there, it's mentioned in Scripture and I do enjoy a bit of controversy. Let me say at the outset here that I'm not trying to be a stumbling block,and in reference to being a stumbling block, I can only be one to someone that is struggling to overcome drunkenness not to those who are struggling to overcome the interpretation of some famous IFB preachers.
Alcohol........letting the dust settle.....Alright, so what does scripture say, does it forbid consumption of alcohol? Well can one verse be given that does so? No.... yes it says "tarry not long at the wine", but do we realize the assumption indicated in this verse which is the tarrying at the wine isn't forbidden just staying there a long time i.e with the intention of getting drunk. What about, "Hab 2:15 Woe unto him that giveth his neighbor drink, that puttest thy bottle to him, and makest him drunken also"? the problem is that most do not realize that that is not the whole verse (as I realized in a debate that was 8 against one last year) the rest of the verse goes like this, ".... that thou mayest look on their nakedness!", so we see it's not the giving alone of strong drink that's forbidden but the purpose of humiliating someone that is, other wise what are we to do with verses such as, "Pro 31:6 Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. 7 Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more."?
Another commonly used prohibition verse is," Eph 5:18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; ", again the command is not to be drunk, not, do not consume. Before I go any further let me ask this question, if God is so clear on things He forbids such as fornication, lying, hatred, murder, gossip,witchcraft and things such as these, then why not just come right out, end any confusion, and say thou shalt not consume alcohol? The reason is that He gave it as a thing to be used in several ways, medicinal. as well as enjoyment, yes enjoyment," Psa 104:14 He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth;
Psa 104:15 And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man's heart. ", now do we really think this could be grape juice? whens the last time you drank a welches and felt merry? were not talking drunk here but merry, here's what John Gill has to say about this text, " That is, by means of rain watering the earth, vines are caused to grow out of it; which produce wine, that has such a virtue in it, as to cheer the heart of man, even of a miserable, distressed, and afflicted man, as the word is supposed to signify..." I could give more , but let me state what I am not saying. I'm not saying go out and get a bottle of wine( or whatever), but only that you let your conviction come from what scripture actually says and that the standard you set for yourself is set not on what a man may say, but on what you believe will help you live a life more dedicated and holy towards God. And I realize alcohol can be abused, but just because someone may abuse something intended for enjoyment doesn't mean that it should be or even is forbidden, if that were true then sex (inside marriage), food, children etc. should be forbidden, you see depraved man can abuse anything, and if you know that you can't participate in a certain God given enjoyment then abstain, to bring God glory. Or in the some cases where abstaining is not possible such as food, children (if you have them), food and the marriage bed you may need to get godly counsel for help in these areas.
In conclusion and to expand on my last statement above, that's what I've learned, to set my convictions, my standards , my philosophies etc. on what the Bible actually says and what will help me to live a more godly life to His glory. And to not judge those who may see it differently, may have a different standard or philosophy (as long as it isn't unscriptural). And this is how I have learned grace, and my life the last year has been, although a bit hard and unsettling, with falls,sins and mistakes, the most enjoyable so far since I began my relationship with my Savior. And my hope is that it has been yours as well. Too God be all the Glory!!!