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Friday, December 9, 2011

The history of Covenant Theology

Did you ever wonder how covenant theology came into being, what is Covenant Theology? In short, it's a theology that believes that all the promises to Israel have been passed to the church, that infants of believers should be sprinkled or poured (notice I didn't say Baptized) and admitted to membership of their "church".

And that as such they receive some of the benefits of the "church" as members (not the Lord's supper for instance), they also deny the rapture and the tribulation, believing instead that the church will eventually take over the world, and usher in the kingdom of Christ, and some even go so far that we as Christians should invoke old testament laws and penalties on all that brake any of God's laws. Although there is much wrong with this view I thought I would post a link that gave a short history of this view- READ HERE

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Arer you ready for an Apologetic study.

Here's a good study on the Trinity, watch Here, Also if anyone has a question or topic they would like to discuss please feel free to post it in the comment box, or email me at-

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A new Blog

So what's the purpose for a new blog? Well first of all blogs are a great way for people to get info. Second you can deal with subjects to a wide range of people and allow them to read and ponder and even respond (which they should do). And third it's fun.
This blog will focus only on Theology, in every aspect of the Christian walk. It's goal will be to sharpen and edify the body of Christ. No politics. Thats on my other blog.
As I slowly design and add new things my hope is to deal with topics that may not always be brought up in mixed company or theological debates, as well as keep up with what's going on in the world of theology outside our circle. I encourage all to post comments, questions and topics they wish to deal with.

P.S. The title and picture for this blog comes from-

Jer 23:29  Is not my word like fire, declares the LORD, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?
See you soon!